
このメッセージは,アーロン・ベック博士にゆかりのある認知行動療法家が集まったBeck Excellence Summit (2017年10月)に大野裕理事長が参加した際にベック博士からのご提案を受けてお願いしたものです.





近年,様々な疾患においてポジティブな態度を活性化させ,非機能的でネガティブな態度を低減させることの重要性が強調されてきました.Padesky博士とMooney博士らは精神病症状を認めない人に対してstrength-based CBTの効果に関する実証研究を先導してきました.私のチームではPaul Grant博士らが統合失調症に対するRecovery Oriented Cognitive Therapy(ポジティブな信念や行動の活性化に向け取り組む行動志向的アプローチ)の有効性を実証してきました.




Remarks to Members of the Japanese Association of Cognitive Therapy

Dear Members of the Japanese Association of Cognitive Therapy,

At the invitation of Dr. Yutaka Ono, I am pleased to write a few words to the members of the Japanese Association of Cognitive Therapy.

Firstly, I would like to update you all on some of the recent developments in the application and formulation of cognitive therapy (or as it is now generally known as Cognitive Behavior Therapy). In the wide number of clinical trials, cognitive therapy has been shown to be effective in almost every condition stipulated in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. In each case, specific dysfunctional beliefs have been elucidated for each of these conditions, and a treatment plan has been formulated to target these dysfunctional beliefs. Challenging conditions such as substance abuse and schizophrenia have also responded to cognitive interventions- although I will mention the treatment format has been modified to suit each of these conditions. The most astounding application of cognitive therapy however, has been in its application to medical conditions.

Clinical trials have shown cognitive therapy to be affective in ameliorating hypertension, various gastrointestinal disturbances (ex. Spastic Colitis), various skin problems, and seizures. Cognitive approaches have also been adapted to provide symptomatic relief in a number of progressive conditions including Parkinson’s disease and other neurological disorders – although evidence is lacking that it actually slowed down this progression. A research study showed that this approach can also improve the quality of life in terminal cancer patients. One of the most widely publicized approaches has been Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia. CBT has also been successfully utilized in the treatment of disorders involving non-compliance with medical regiments such as in the treatment of Diabetes. Additionally, CT/CBT has shown some promising results in the treatment of Asthma, although further studies are required.

In recent years, there has been an increased emphasis on activating the positive attitudes as well as reducing the dysfunctional negative attitudes in a variety of conditions. Padesky and Mooney have taken the lead in demonstrating the efficacy of strength based CT in the non-psychotic conditions. My own team, headed by Paul Grant, has demonstrated the efficacy of Recovery Oriented Cognitive Therapy for Schizophrenia, an approach which is action oriented and is directed towards activating positive beliefs and behaviors.

Finally, there needs to be further expansion of the basic cognitive model. The various approaches focusing on positive behaviors indicate the importance of the positive beliefs in recovery from the various disorders. At the present time, it appears that the negative beliefs and attitudes play the larger role as an individual becomes afflicted with a particular disorder, but that the positive attitudes play a major role in recovery.

With your support of and conscious participation in this organization and the CBT community at large, I trust that members of the Japanese Association of Cognitive Therapy will continue to make innovative and important strides both in clinical practice and psychological science.

Aaron T Beck
October 18, 2017