
学会誌「認知療法研究」第5巻 2号(2012年) 特集:身体医学領域における認知行動療法 他

認知療法研究 第5巻 2号 2012年8月 目次

藤澤大介 127
佐々木美保,武井優子,小川佑子,島田真衣,長尾愛美,国里愛彦,鈴木伸一 128
中野有美 137
吉野敦雄,岡本泰昌,堀越勝,神人蘭,林優美,松永美希,山脇成人 147
能野淳子,藤澤大介 157

梨谷美帆 166
奥野朝子,小山秀之 168
池田美樹,仲谷誠,嶋田洋徳 170
松本啓輔,関口裕子,加藤正 172
永田忍,小堀修,清水栄司 174
木内彩乃,西川公平 176

The Short Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale 日本語版の開発
竹林由武,笹川智子,杉浦義典,坂野雄二 179

編集後記 188

【Special Issue:Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for People with General Medical Conditions】
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Lifestyle Disease
Miho Sasaki, Yuko Takei, Yuko Ogawa, Mai Shimada, Ayami Nagao,
Yoshihiko Kunisato & Shin-ichi Suzuki 128
Psychological Support for Patients with Infertility or Recurrent Pregnancy Loss:Focusing on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Yumi Nakano 137
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain
Atsuo Yoshino, Yasumasa Okamoto, Masaru Horikoshi, Ran Jin-nin,
Yumi Hayashi, Miki Matsunaga & Shigeto Yamawaki人 147
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Cancer Patients
Junko Nouno & Daisuke Fujisawa 157

【Case Study Reports】
The Application of CBT in Smoking Cessation Program:A Trial in Psychiatric Day-hospital
Miho Nashitani 166
A Case Study for a Boy of Non-attendance at School with Strong Depressive Mood and
Social Anxiety:Combination of Exposure Therapy and Social Skill Training
Asako Okuno & Hideyuki Koyama 168
Prevention of Dropout in Cognitive Therapy:A Case with Major Depressive Disorder
Miki Ikeda, Makoto Nakaya & Hironori Shimada 170
A Case Study of a Patient with Strong Anxiety for Returning to Work in Reinstatement
Support Program
Keisuke Matsumoto, Hiroko Sekiguchi & Tadashi Kato 172
A Case of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for a Obsessive-compulsive Disorder:
The Importance of Approaching the Schema with Exposure and Response Prevention
Shinobu Nagata, Osamu Kobori & Eiji Shimizu 174
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depressive Man Who Has Employee’s Diffculties
Ayano Kiuchi & Kohei Nishikawa 176

【Short Reports】
Development and Validation of the Japanese Version of the Short Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale
Yoshitake Takebayashi, Satoko Sasagawa, Yoshinori Sugiura & Yuji Sakano 179